'GoT' Season 6 Spoilers: Twitter Reacts Natalia Tena Osha/Daenerys Targaryen Twist!

By Jorge Solis (j.solis@mstarsnews.com) | May 16, 2016 06:00 PM EDT

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HBO continues with Season 6 of Game of Thrones. In the aftermath of Jon Snow (Kit Harington)'s resurrection, Twitter had lots to say about Osha (Natalia Tena)'s surprising scheme and that Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) twist .

In our previous recap, while Ramsay has Rickon Stark and Osha in his grasp, Bran Stark (Isaac Hempstead Wright) continues on his vision quest in search of the truth. Cersei and Jamie Lannister (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) are working together with Olenna Tyrell (Dianna Rigg) but The High Sparrow (Jonathan Sparrow) is already playing mind games on the KIng. The first thing Jon Snow does rising the dead, he kills all the traitors, including Olly, by hanging them. After Olly's neck snaps, Jon makes the decision to give up his title and leave the Night's Watch.

In our recent recap, Olenna Tyrell realized she needs the help of Jamie and Cersei Lannister before Margery (Natalie Dormer) makes her walk of shame. Just when he was about to leave the Night's Watch, Jon Snow found himself reunited with Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner). Just when it seemed Osha was seducing Ramsay, he stabbed her in the neck before she could strike him down. Daenerys took down the Dothraki leadership and burnt them all to a crisp. Daenerys didn't need saving as rose from the flames alive and unscathed, with everyone kneeling down before her.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Clarke explains the cliffhanger, "She realizes that this is the missing piece. The Dothraki are the missing piece of her crew - she's seemingly indestructible having Dothraki on her side."

Clarke adds, "I'd like to remind people the last time I took my clothes off was season 3. That was awhile ago. It's now season 6. But this is all me, all proud, all strong. I'm just feeling genuinely happy I said 'Yes.' That ain't no body double!"

Check out what Twitter had to say:

@Autumnbaby_NYC  tweets, "My sweet Osha, caretaker of Rickon Stark. You deserved better. #RIP #GameofThrones"

@Karsithewight adds, "#Osha. Thank you for looking after pur Rickon. We all love you. #GameofThrones"

@Luvvie cries, "NOOOOOOOOOO!!! Seriously. Why can we never have nice things??? OSHA!!! #GameofThrones"

@suomibeta  states, "That Sansa and John thing just melted my heart. Poor Osha though, I really hoped that theory about the SJU was right #gameofthrones"

@InselMarry says farewell, "Wildling - you made my heart sing...bye bye Osha - you were one of a kind. #GameofThrones"

@HarryHasapis writes, "I'm so cut Osha was killed. Natalie Tena was such a scene stealer. Character who had so much impact. #GameofThrones"

Game of Thrones continues Sundays on HBO at 9pm.

Readers, what did you think of Osha's death?

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