'Arrow' Star Stephen Amell Addresses Departure Rumors on Facebook, Says Contract Runs to 2019

By Andrew Meola | Jan 11, 2016 10:00 AM EST

Rumors have been swirling that Arrow star Stephen Amell would be leaving the show, so the man himself took to his Facebook page to address the departure rumors.

"Facebook... I keep reading that I'm leaving Arrow. I'm not. I have a contract that runs through 2019. At least," he wrote. "Now... That doesn't mean Arrow will run that long, but if it does... I'll be here. Any other questions I can answer?"

This led into a Q&A session, which we'll get to shortly.

It's no surprise at all that the show and the network would lock Amell up for so long. He's the main star of a show that has been the foundation of a larger shared television universe that is flourishing on the CW.

What's more interesting is the discussion about the future of Arrow. It seems to be a show originally conceived with a five-year arc because of the flashbacks in each season. Every episode begins with the reminder that Oliver Queen spent five years away from Star City, so the flashbacks would likely end after the fifth year.

Given that the flashbacks are such an integral part of the show, could Arrow really continue without them? Some fans don't think so, but it's not out of the question.

For what it's worth, Amell also addressed the rumors that he would be playing a character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe when a fan asked him about it in the comments section of his original post.

"That's another one of those absolutely preposterous rumors," he wrote. "Here's the deal: I'm an actor. I like acting roles. Because an actor tends to be defined by not being unemployed. So if a role came up... I would always listen. Does that include Marvel characters? Of course it does. Have there been any offers, auditions, or even general meetings...? No."

What do you make of Amell's remarks? Let us know in the comments section below.