'Star Wars' Petition Demands George Lucas Directs Episode 9 Instead of Colin Trevorrow

By Victoria Guerra | Jan 13, 2016 09:13 AM EST

Even though Star Wars fans almost universally think George Lucas' prequels nearly ruined the franchise until J.J. Abrams' Force Awakens saved it, over 20,000 people have now signed an online petition to get Lucas to direct Episode 9 instead of Colin Trevorrow, because they obviously need Jar Jar Binks back in their lives.

According to Slash Film, a Brazilian fan recently started a petition directed at Disney and Lucasfilm, demanding that Lucas be the one that directs the last installment of the new trilogy, which is to say, the still-unnamed Episode 9.

"We have no problem with Colin Trevorrow, but he's not the right guy to direct Star Wars Episode IX," reads the Change.org petition. "George Lucas as director of Episode IX would be the perfect way to end this new trilogy and make an epic farewell between the Father of Star Wars and the whole universe of the galaxy far, far away."

Of course, it's more than unlikely that Disney will give in to a random petition online, particularly when Lucas wasn't even brought in as a consultant for last year's Force Awakens. After he had total control of the franchise for nearly 40 years, he divorced himself from the whole thing and Disney isn't really looking to bring him back.

Still, Trevorrow, who last year broke box office records with Jurassic World, spoke to Entertainment Tonight about the petition and said it was "funny," basically not even giving the idea the time of day.

So far, the petition has gathered over 21,000 signatures, and its goal is to reach 25,000. While not everybody was crazy about Force Awakens (many have called the movie a rip-off of the story from A New Hope), but considering the general consensus is that the prequels were all terrible, it seems unlikely that most of the fandom would enjoy it if Lucas were involved again.