Donald Trump Says He Could Shoot Someone & Wouldn’t Lose Voters

By Kyle Dowling | Jan 24, 2016 01:13 PM EST

Donald Trump can apparently do no wrong in the eye of his supporters. The GOP frontrunner recently came out noting that even if he were to shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Ave. in New York City, his supporters would still be onboard with him.

Which is a hell of an endorsement for his supporters, which now seemingly includes former governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin.

Trump's comments came during a rally at Dordt College in Iowa just this past Friday. He discussed the polls and the fact that he's still at the head of the Republication lead, claiming, "The polls, they say I have the most loyal people. ... Where I could stand in the middle of Fifth Ave. and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose any voters. It's, like, incredible."

And he's right; it is incredible. Just not in the way he's talking about it.

Donald Trump: Let's Make America Great bullet at a time.

Trump's comments were used as fodder for Saturday Night Live this past Saturday with host Ronda Rousey––who Trump is apparently not a fan of anymore––particularly with Weekend Update host Colin Jost, who said, "What are you doing here, man? You're bragging that your supporters love you so much, they're okay with you murdering for sport?"

Jost then went on to state that something of that nature is not what a president does, as he's not running for the president of Hunger Games.

Co-host Michael Che chimed in and noted that Trump's supports are a bunch of "window-licking water heads" who are "the craziest people in the country."

So, if there are any Trump supporters out there reading this, tell us, would you still support Trump if he murdered someone in the street?