Ryan Reynolds And T.J. Miller Discuss 'Deadpool Vs Wolverine' Crossover Film With Hugh Jackman

By Nobelle Borines | Feb 05, 2016 11:50 AM EST

Any Deadpool fan would tell you that they would want to see Wade Wilson's next film to feature his comic book BFF Cable. However, Deadpool stars Ryan Reynolds and T.J. Miller would like to see a different kind of crossover: a Deadpool vs Wolverine movie featuring Hugh Jackman!

The actors recently spoke to MTV about their upcoming film, where they were asked which character they would be interested to see in a Deadpool crossover. Miller didn't even blink when he responded, "Wolverine!"

The two Marvel characters have already been seen together in the disastrous movie X-Men Origins: Wolverine, where Wade was given confusing new powers and the Merc with the Mouth actually had his mouth sewn shut. It seems like Miller is determined to get the new Deadpool to take revenge for the offense the 2009 film did to the character.

"I do believe in the future there will be a movie called Deadpool vs Wolverine," Miller declared.

However, Reynolds wasn't too sure that Jackman would actually reprise the role after Wolverine 3. After all, the X-Men star has famously announced that the third Wolverine film would be his last.

Miller didn't seem to bothered about Jackman's retirement. Instead, he came up with another superhero option.

"Deadpool Ant-Man," he said, adding that it wouldn't be a "versus" film and the two Marvel characters would simply be "hanging out, chilling."

As exciting as the two options sound, the next Deadpool movie seem to be closer to featuring fan favorite Cable, who has already starred in a collaborative comic book series with the antihero. We have previously reported that Reynolds himself has confirmed a Cable and Deadpool film is being planned.

Deadpool is directed by Tim Miller and also stars Morena Baccarin, Ed Skrein and Brianna Hildebrand. The film will hit theaters on February 12.