'The Walking Dead' Season 6 Spoilers: Robert Kirkman Talks Rick/Daryl Roadtrip, Carl's Injury

By Nobelle Borines | Feb 17, 2016 11:30 AM EST

The midseason premiere of The Walking Dead Season 6 was definitely worth the wait, as "No Way Out" took down three characters, permanently injured Carl Grimes (Chandler Riggs) and seemingly set the pace for the rest of the season. However, TWD creator Robert Kirkman has just revealed that the next episode "The Next World" will take a surprising new turn as Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) and Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus) go on a road trip that promises plenty of real humor!

Kirkman recently spoke to Entertainment Weekly, where he confirmed that Rick and Daryl will temporarily be leaving Alexandria for a two man road trip.

"I can say that it's possibly the most fun episode that we've had, just seeing those two guys together," Kirkman admitted, comparing "The Next World" to a certain Danny Glover/Mel Gibson film.

"It's almost like a Lethal Weapon episode. It's a lot of fun," he said. "There's some trauma involved and some tragedy, but seeing those two guys together is a lot of fun. It's a very fun episode."

The road trip in itself might be loads of fun, but Kirkman also revealed that trouble is in the horizon.

"We're full steam ahead in the Saviors territory at this point, so yeah, you know, those guys that blew up, definitely not the sum total of Negan's crew," he said. "We'll definitely be seeing more of them moving forward. As to when, I can't say, but very soon."

Kirkman also talked about the most shocking scene in "No Way Out," where Carl is shot in the eye.

"That moment where Carl gets shot in his eye was just awesome, and startling, and heartbreaking, and all those things in the comic," he said. "But seeing it move, and seeing Chandler's performance and how it all came together was just extremely gratifying and was everything that I could've wanted it to be, and so I'm really excited when I feel that way because I kind of feel that the fans are going to feel the same way about it."

"The Next World," the tenth episode of The Walking Dead Season 6, will air on AMC on February 21.