Better Call Saul S02E02: Cobbler Bob Odenkirk, Jonathan Banks Premiere Recap

By Jorge Solis | Feb 23, 2016 01:00 AM EST

AMC continues with the premiere of Season 2 of Better Call Saul. In episode 2, lawyer Jimmy McGill, the future Saul Goodman, (Bob Odenkirk) and enforcer Mike Ehrmantraut (Jonathan Banks) learn the meaning behind the Cobbler.

Howard Hamlin (Patrick Fabian) visits Chuck McGill (Michael McKean) as he is playing the piano. Howard has the usual; new food and ice for him. Hamlin has news for Chuck; Main is thinking about naming Jimmy partner. After Howard leaves, Chuck is unable to concentrate and play the piano. 

Kim (Rhea Seehorn) rigs the seating order so that she can sit next to Jimmy during their meeting. As the two talk, Kim has a gift for Jimmy, a cup that says, "World's second greatest lawyer." With his new cup, Jimmy says goodbye to his old yellow car and rives in the new company car. 

Mike isn't too happy when Daniel (Mark Proksch) parks his hummer at the parking lot of the police precinct. Daniel wants his baseball cards back and is willing to talk to the police. Mike then promises to find the baseball cards for him.

After hearing Clifford Main (Ed Begley Jr.) play the guitar, Jimmy tells his boss that he has an idea and he's on to something. Mike then visits a sewing and finds out where Nacho (Michael Mando) works. Nacho and his father are hired by Mike to fix the leather, switch to alligator, in his seats. After his father leaves, Nacho and Mike have a private talk.

Mike orders Nacho to bring back the baseball cards. With the police nosing around, Nacho isn't really worried. Nacho threatens Mike, but he promises to talk to Tuco Salamanca and reveals his side jobs. 

Selling his flashy hummer to Nacho, Daniel checks the boxes and discovers all the baseball cards are in order. At their meet, Nacho then tells Daniel that their business has concluded. After Nacho drives off, Daniel thinks an apology is in order. 

As Daniel gets a call from the police, Jimmy's speech is interrupted by Howard, who asks for everybody's electronics. Chuck then sits down in the meeting, which causes Jimmy to fumble just a bit, before composing himself and finishing his speech. 

During their confrontation, Chuck says he wants to bear witness but flinches when Jimmy gets a call. Mike is calling Jimmy because he has a favor to ask. Jimmy sits down next to Daniel as he's being interrogated by the police. The cops become more suspicious of Daniel, when he says his baseball cards are back.

Getting Daniel out of the room, Jimmy talks to the cops, hinting at sex videos. "Squat cobbler" refers to a fetish Daniel does, with costumes involved. Though he's off the hook, Daniel has to do a video. 

As Jimmy and Kim are eating cake, she's upset that he falsified evidence to free a client. They have a moment of awkward silence after her argument. 

Readers, what did you think of Cobbler?