Former Subway Spokesman Jared Fogle Gains 30lbs in Prison Thanks to Honey Buns

By Star Connor | Mar 04, 2016 03:21 PM EST

Former Subway Spokesman Jared Fogle has already gained 30lbs while in prison thanks to honey buns. Fogle has been behind bars for three months and seems to love sugar and fats.

"Jared's breakfast is usually Frosted Flakes with fruit or oatmeal with cake. He loves 'cake day' in the dining hall twice a week and he buys Honey Buns by the box," a prison source claimed. "He's been known to eat an entire box of eight at one sitting."

Another former inmate claimed that Fogle has been getting bullied and been called a lot of names including "child rapist." That person said: "One of the men called Jared a 'dirty child rapist' and told him to 'get the f--k out' and not come back."

Former federal prisoner Larry Levine explained that child molesters get a lot of heat while behind bars. "When you're in custody, there are two kinds of people who are hated more than anything else; informants -- you know, rats -- and child molesters." Levine, who currently is the director and founder of Wall Street Prison Consultants, added, "It's a violent place and he's going to have a rough go of it for a long time. Fogle don't have a chance."

The man who lost over 200lbs eating Subway sandwiches is more than likely suffering from depression. He has also been given the name "Chomo," which is short for child molester. "Jared is regularly taunted by those who have it out for him," the prison source added.

MStars News previously reported that Fogle, a convicted sex offender, is currently serving time at Colorado's Federal Correctional Institution. Fogle was sentenced to 15 years behind bars for obtaining child pornography and having sex with underage prostitutes.