Morgan Freeman's Voice is What Justin Bieber's "Love Yourself" Needed All Along

By Victoria Guerra | Mar 07, 2016 10:50 AM EST

It's been established that Morgan Freeman should narrate everything, considering the smooth and calmness of his voice makes any movie better. In a recent clip that has obviously gone viral, Vanity Fair put the theory of Freeman's voice improving everything to test, by having the Oscar winner recite the lyrics to Justin Bieber's song "Love Yourself" -- and the results are amazing.

Freeman, whose famously beautiful voice was recently featured in Google's navigation app Waze, agreed to do a dramatic reading of one of Bieber's hits for Vanity Fair. Taking in the words from an iPad, the established actor showed why he has an Academy Award. Of course, his mild contempt over being a successful actor reading this kind of lyrics is visible. It's easily the best part of the reading.

"I'm going to give a dramatic reading from a very popular songwriter," Freeman begins, in the seriousness one would expect from a man who has played everything from God to Nelson Mandela.

Only a few weeks back, Telenovela star Eva Longoria did a similar stunt, doing a dramatic reading of the Spice Girls' hit "Wannabe" right out of a Mexican soap. Of course, seeing as Freeman already has one of the most iconic voices in show business, the actor's mere presence already gives anything a certain flair of gravitas.

Freeman is currently on a press tour to promote his latest film, London Has Fallen, and he's been in the news cycle a lot over it in the past few days. He also visited Jimmy Kimmel Live! a few days back, and the talk show host seemed fascinated with Freeman's voice, first asking how he learned to talk that way (it turns out Freeman had a very good dialect teacher in college) and later telling the Shawshank Redemption star to narrate someone's life.

In all, Freeman's voice can make anything sound even a little bit more interesting!