Happy International Women's Day: Check Out Feminism's Greatest Wins In 2015-2016

By Viraj Mahajan viraj.mahajan@mstarsnews.com | Mar 07, 2016 03:30 PM EST

International Women's Day 2016 is just around the corner, and MStars News brings you few of the greatest wins for feminism from January 2015 to date.

1. Cosby's 35 Women

In July 2015, 35 women allegedly sexually assaulted by American stand-up comedian Bill Cosby featured on the cover of New York Magazine. The cover page from July 2015, took the world by storm as it featured women of many sizes and races coming together to show the world that even in that hour, they all were standing together to fight against injustice and to answer to all those who questioned the credibility of their accusations.

2. Women-Centric TV Shows Got Green Signal 

There was a time when all the television shows had the main protagonists like True Detectives, Prison Break and Dexter. But 2015 brought few exciting TV shows that featured women as the main protagonists. Quantico, Agent Carter, Jessica Jones and Supergirl are among those TV shows that premiered in 2015 and proved that women can also helm the show on their shoulders.

3. Viola Davis Won An Emmy

Davis became the first black woman to win an Emmy Award for her outstanding performance in her role as Annalise Keating on How to Get Away With Murder. In her acceptance speech, as reported by New York Times, Davis said that the only thing that separates women of color from anyone else is the opportunity.

"You can not win an Emmy for roles that simply are not there," she further added.

4. Caitlyn Jenner Featured on Vanity Fair 

The father figure of the Kardashian kin, Jenner came out as transgender to her family and the world in an interview with Diane Sawyer on ABC. In June, Jenner publically announced that she was living as her authentic self and she presented herself in the July issue of Vanity Fair.

5. Patricia Arquette Plead For Wage Equality

In January, actress Arquette won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress for her exceptional performance in Boyhood. In her acceptance speech, the actress pleads to fix the wage gap between the male actors and female actresses.

"It's our time to have wage equality once and for all, and equal rights for women in the United States of America," she said.

Happy International Women's Day from MStars News.