NBC's Blindspot Spoilers: Twitter Reacts Jaimie Alexander/Sullivan Stapleton's Kurt/Jane Twist

By Jorge Solis j.solis@mstarsnews.com | Mar 15, 2016 06:00 PM EDT

NBC continues Blindspot after its highly anticipated midseason premiere. Twitter had lots to say about the shocking twists after FBI agent Kurt Weller (Sullivan Stapleton) and the mysterious Jane Doe (Jaimie Alexander) discovered there was a mole in their organization!

In our previous recap, Jane completed her first task and switched Bethany's pen with a fake. After the mission, Kurt discovered his father lied about the night Taylor went missing because he wanted to commit suicide. Kurt's father was so ashamed and begged for his son's forgiveness. While Kurt's sister was on her date with Edgar (Rob Brown), Jane learned from Oscar that Orion is where she died.

In our recent recap, chief inspector Jonas Fisher (John Hodgman) returned to find out who was the mole inside Weller's team. As all the evidence pointed to Jane, Kurt helplessly watched as she was put into custody. Kurt discovered that Fisher was using them all along and he was the mole. As Jane refused to follow any more of Oscar's tasks, Kurt ordered his sister to break off her relationship with Edgar. Knowing Fisher was telling half-truths, Edgar and Bethany have teamed up together to investigate Jane.

In an interview with Collider, creator/showrunner Martin Gero explains Jane's mindset, "She's afraid of compromising them, and she's afraid of what that might mean for the rest of the team. She also can't help but put a seed of doubt in their relationship now because obviously the past her really had a problem with them. So, the next couple of episodes really get into how the team feels about her and how she feels about the team. There's some good stuff in there."

Check out what Twitter had to say:

@delisaenid argues, "#Blindspot was so good last night... Jane is a badass even in handcuffs @NBCBlindspot"

@Karme007  states, "How does #Blindspot manage to be more amazing with every new episode???"

@ElleTraduit argues, "Well, #Blindspot is certainly getting more and more interesting! Also I've rarely hated a guest star's character as much as I hated Fisher."

@scott5ivegirlfr adds, "#Blindspot knew fisher was bad glad jane kill him wish tell all to kurt,happy not workin with oscar anymore,reade wanna investigate on her"

@T_kawooya loved Hodman's performance, "Fisher's interrogation style was so viscous. I would have cracked & told him the time I stole candy when I was 8 years old. #Blindspot"

@joverwatch mentions, "Kurt's still a boy in a man's body that's been trying to protect everyone around him since he lost Taylor. He broke my heart #Blindspot"

Blindspot continues Mondays10pm on NBC.

Readers, what did you think about the plot twists?