The Flash Season 2 SPOILERS: Twitter Reacts Candice Patton/Iris West-Allen, Eddie Thawne Twist

By Jorge Solis | Mar 30, 2016 06:00 PM EDT

The CW Network continues with Season 2 of The Flash. As Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) dealt with the consequences of time-travel, Twitter had lots to say about the future Iris West-Allen (Candice Patton) and her surprise visit from Eddie Thawne (Rick Cosnett).

In our previous recap, after The Flash defeated the female speedster, Barry watched as her lightning turned blue before Trajectory's body disintegrated. Barry and the others realized Zoom's lightning is blue because the super-villain's dying from Velocity 9. The only way for the team to know the truth was for Cisco to touch Jay Garrick's metal helmet. Using his Vibe powers, Cisco saw Zoom unmask himself and revealed his identity as Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears).

In our recent recap, in hopes of learning how to run faster, Barry time-travelled to the past, but was discovered by the evil Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh). Because he messed with the time-stream, the scarlet speedster had to outrun the time wraith. With the help of Pied Piper (Andy Mientus), the Flash defeated the wraith and came back with Well's drive, which contained knowledge of the speed force. Barry came back as well with a gift from the past for Iris, a video from Eddie Thawne.

In an interview with TV Line, Cosnett describes Eddie's feelings for Iris, "He has to make a choice between doing the best thing for Iris and the best thing for himself. What has been so endearing about Eddie is we know that, usually, he will make a very sensible choice. He's a bit of the voice of reason, I feel like, in a lot of senses. We very much sympathize with him."

Check out what Twitter had to say:

@skent_ll  tweets, "Barry records video of Eddie for Iris, mind you when he's on an important mission like can you fav bae get on his level #WestAllen #TheFlash"

@AllisonArjent writes, "Also Barry's little "Eddie gift" to Iris...Dude wants her to be happy with or without him, doesnt matter. And that's love mate. #theflash"

@loreloveslife adds, "Eddie! I'm screaming! And I probably won't stop until the end of this episode! #TheFlash"

@Joysaysnottoday mentions, "BRING HIM BACK. I NEED Eddie and I NEED Westhawne. #TheFlash"

@Nightlica_blck states, "Eddie's message to Iris murdered my heart #theflash"

@hannahfun1 notes, "It proves how much Barry loves Iris that he got that message from Eddie @candicekp was really good #TheFlash"

The Flash returns from hiatus to the CW on April 19, Tuesday at 8pm.

Readers, what did you think of Eddie Thawne's return?