New Kerry Washington AdWeek's 2016 Cover Causes 'Scandal': Olivia Pope Photoshopped Again

By Victoria Guerra | Apr 07, 2016 07:30 PM EDT

Besides being madly talented (as she's proven time and again in her role as the Shonda Rhimes-created Scandal), actress Kerry Washington is one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood, of any ethnicity -- and yet, her looks don't seem to be enough. For the second time in recent memory, the woman who plays Olivia Pope has found herself heavily Photoshopped for a 2016 magazine cover, this time AdWeek.

Last Tuesday, Washington took to Instagram to share her most recent cover with her fans, but her message wasn't one of pride. While she said she liked some of the pictures inside the AdWeek issue as well as the article, Washington revealed she felt "weary" of seeing yet another picture where she doesn't recognize herself.

"I just felt weary," the Emmy-nominated actress wrote in a long and very polite caption. "It felt strange to look at a picture of myself that is so different from what I look like when I look in the mirror. It's an unfortunate feeling."

Still, Washington urged her fans to pick up the issue, never specifying what exactly was her problem with the new cover. Mercury News points out a problem of "skin-lightening" in the photograph while Vox talks of "extensive (and terrible)" work-ups on her nose, but the actress herself didn't specify what had made her speak out.

Jim Cooper, AdWeek's Editorial Director, took to Twitter to call the actress "a class act" and to say the only thing that had been altered in the image was that they "added volume to [her] hair for dramatic effect."

A year back, Washington faced similar controversy when the InStyle Magazine cover was accused of whitening her skin tone.

This comes at the heels of another airbrushing controversy: Girls creator and star Lena Dunham faced a similar problem, when she called out a Spanish magazine for making her look thinner, though the magazine revealed they'd taken the snap from a pre-approved photo of her.