'Mary Mary' Exclusive: Sisters Talk Solo Careers, New Album, & Show: "We're Taking a Chance"

By Star Connor s.connor@mstarsnews.com | Apr 11, 2016 01:30 PM EDT

It's a new season, and Mary Mary is back with all new drama! Speaking with MStars News reporter, Star Connor the ladies of Gospel revealed that they were still working on their own solo careers, balancing marriage and family, while trying to figure out when they are going to give fans a new Mary Mary album. Both sisters claimed that they were "taking a chance," when it comes to their individual careers.

Below is another exclusive one on one with the ladies. Check it out!

MStars News: After talking heavily about your weight gain, and stress level, Tina how are you handling those moments in life right now?

Tina Campbell: "How I'm handling it, is I'm living my life. I really have too much going on right now to try to focus on a diet program so I try to have a balance to it but I wouldn't say that I'm not healthy because I don't have any health issues, but I'm definitely stretched. Working hard, and working long hours you find comfort in food. I'm just trying to figure out how to get back to managing a healthy eating schedule and workout time. I haven't quite figured it out so pray for me."

MS: Your solo careers have taken different paths, how is that going?

Erica Campbell: "The solo careers are going very well. I think us taking a chance on being individuals and growing is really good for us. The Mary Mary fans miss us putting out new music, and want us to get back together, but I don't feel like we're not together, we just didn't do a brand new record. We're sisters it's impossible for us not to be together. The solo journey has allowed us to put out music that the people have embraced. We both won awards, we both have records that were number one and that's a blessing, that's not what usually happens. So I'm just honored that God allowed us to take a chance on ourselves and because it didn't come from a negative terrible place we both were able to still represent him. It has not been easy, and you see that on the show but it's always possible especially if you have the right agenda and the right prepping."

MS: Tina, your tour just started during this season of the show, how has it been on the road?

Tina Campbell: "It is very challenging trying to be a creative person that displays your musical ability, a minster of the Gospel, an executive, and an administrator while trying to be the boss and juggle home; it is challenging trying to do all of that and you literally get to see all of those challenges. So much was happening in my life while we were taping the TV show and I was like, 'What have I gotten myself into?' Things were not perfect at all and there were cameras rolling. You get to see how we figured it all out and again it's not always an easy process. But I will tell you this, God gets the glory out of what we do. God gets the glory out of us exposing our truth, good, bad, and different because ultimately he always works his perfect well for our lives."

MS: You guys hinted that you were going for 2017 to put out a new Mary Mary album. Everyone wants to know, when is the new Mary Mary album dropping?

Erica Campbell: "We were talking about 2017? Tina did say that during one episode didn't she?"

Tina Campbell: "Oh girl I gave another time line for the people, Jesus!"

Erica Campbell: "Just so you know, and so that everybody is clear, we love singing together, we love being in a group through all of our ups and downs even when we get on stage together, we absolutely love it. Right now, we're just trying to figure out how to get back because it's not easy to do all of that when you have families, and kids, and husbands and lives. We won't to get back together just like y'all want us to get back together."

Tina Campbell: "We're trying to figure it out just like y'all. Erica, I think that's the thing people don't get. We love Mary Mary just like y'all love Mary Mary. We just can't figure out how to do everything that our lives consist of right now. It's going to be another Mary Mary, just hold out on that time line but it will be soon."

MS: Erica, how is your husband, Warryn, doing? During one episode this season, he was stressed about your Sony deal, and actually ended up in the hospital. How have you guys learned to manage stress?

Erica Campbell: "The only way I know how to deal with stress, is to trust God, and believe that all things will work better for my good. While you're in the middle of it you don't always feel like that but I have to remind myself that God is in control. Sometimes I let myself spaz out, like when my husband was sick but if I never had a sick day how would I give God the opportunity to heal my body? If I'm never broken, how would I give him the opportunity to put my pieces back together? I had to cancel some shows because I needed to make sure my husband was good. It was pretty scary. But it always reminds us to make sure that we are taking care of our temple. We only get one, you don't get another body. You can't go back to the liver store if you mess up yours. A lot of times we treat our body like we can go to the store and pick up another limb or organ. Our body is the temple of God, this is the body that was given to you and you should honor it by eating right and taking care of your body and soul. Unfortunately that was a real strong reminder that we have to take care of our bodies."

MS: Tina, you and your husband, Teddy have been back in love, and touring together. What is your testimony on getting your marriage back on track?

Tina Campbell: "My testimony would be we broke it and God fixed it. A lot of people say 'oh that's what you Christians say' but I'm going to tell you what we actually did. We ran to God and said: 'Our decisions and choices over a time period created distance in our relationship. You know what God, we got married so that our lives could glorify you, so here we are. Can you take our broken pieces and help us?' I told him to do something before I do something crazy, and guess what as we opened up the Bible and read God's word and asked for direction he gave it to us. My newest single which is "Speak the Word" it literally is the story of our lives. We had to find God in the word and God has made our relationship amazing. I love everything about my husband, and I know how bad it was. He loves everything about me and he knows how awful it was. We're just really appreciating how amazing it is. Do we have a perfect relationship? No because it's a real relationship. He's his own person, and I'm my own person but we love each other and we come together on purpose to unify together so that God can be glorified. We're enjoying the process."

For more Mary Mary continue to watch the sisters on WE tv every Thursday night 9/8c.