7 Theories Involving Jon Snow's Corpse in 'Game of Thrones' Season 6

By Nobelle Borines | Apr 24, 2016 12:03 PM EDT

Game of Thrones Season 6 is set to premiere on Sunday, and it looks like the world will finally find out if Jon Snow is really dead or if he was hiding under the dumpster all along (no, wait, wrong TV series).

The HBO show has already teased that Kit Harington's only appearance in the sixth season would involve playing a dead man, but that hasn't stopped fans from wondering if Jon will miraculously rise up once again.

But what could happen to Jon's corpse in Game of Thrones Season 6? Here are 7 possibilities to ponder about.

Jon is a corpse because he warged into Ghost

There is a fan theory that the fallen Lord Commander had warged at the last moment, since his last word in the book is simply, "Ghost." Some believe that Jon had actually warged into his direwolf right before everything went dark. Although the show didn't feature this particular moment in the season finale (his last words should have been "Et tu Ollie? You ungrateful little cad!"), there are fans who think Jon is currently in Ghost (and Harington has already stated that he wants to warg in Game of Thrones). Unless, of course, a certain someone uses magic to revive him.

Melisandre could resurrect Jon

The most popular theory of the moment involves the Red Priestess who inexplicably abandons Stannis Baratheon to return to Castle Black, where a murder is about to take place. But why return to the Wall? Because someone needs to be brought back to life, and that someone happens to be the same person she had attempted to seduce in Season 5.

Some fans believe that Melisandre may have been drawn to Jon because he could be the messianic Azor Ahai she has been looking for, and will immediately try to resurrect him in the sixth season. That is, unless SOMEONE ELSE uses magic to do the trick.

Bran Stark might use a blood sacrifice to bring Jon back

Here's another fan theory that suggests that magic will be employed to resurrect Jon, but this time, his half-brother (or cousin, depending on which theory you believe) Bran will be the one to do it. Some fans speculate that the new greenseer will see how important Jon is to Westeros and will employ blood magic to make sure he fulfills his destiny.

Jon could come back as a wight

Hey, anything is possible in a show featuring dragons and ice zombies, so could Jon rise from the grave as a wight? After all, he actually witnessed how the Hardhome massacre instantly turned into a zombie apocalypse at that wildling village right? Maybe the Night's King could show up and turn him into an officer of his wight army, or maybe ....

Jon could replace the Night's King

The scene that birthed an epic meme might have also suggested that the leader of the White Walkers has huge plans for Jon. It has been suggested that the Starks are actually descended from the White Walkers and perhaps Jon is destined to be the "Ice" in A Song of Ice and Fire (the fire being Daenerys and her dragons). But speaking of fire ...

Jon will be set on fire and be resurrected like Daenerys Targaryen

You've probably heard of that theory suggesting that Jon isn't really Ned Stark's bastard, but actually the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen. So if he is half-Targaryen, fire can't harm him right? Some fans think that if Jon's corpse is set on fire, he will come back to life as the Azor Ahai Westeros is waiting for. Unless that messiah is already Dany, who rounded out the first season finale by surviving Khal Drogo's funeral pyre and emerging with three adorable little dragons. Unfortunately, there is always that one last option ...

Jon will remain a corpse

If you ask anyone who works with Game of Thrones, the answer is always the same: Jon Snow is dead. And he will remain dead for the rest of the season.

What do you think will happen to Jon's corpse in the sixth season of Game of Thrones? Let us know in the comments.