'Person of Interest' S05E03: Truth Be Told Jim Caviezel, Amy Acker Reese & Root Premiere Recap

By Jorge Solis j.solis@mstarsnews.com | May 11, 2016 01:00 AM EDT

CBS airs the Season 5 premiere of Person of Interest. In Episode 3,Truth Be Told, are Harold Finch (Michael Emerson) John Reese (Caviezel), and Root (Amy Acker) ready to fight the all-out war between Samaritan and The Machine?

In 2010, Reese meets with his supervisor Terence Beale (Keith David), who has a secret mission for him. In t present, Reese has set up a date with his therapist Dr. Iris Campbell (Wren Schmidt) and her parens but he's late. After beating up the bad guys in the bathroom, Reese is able to go on his date.

Finch is happy that Reese is trying to have a happy life. With a new number, Reese has to go undercover as Root is now a package delivery girl. Finch and Reese have to track down a man named Duncan. The Machine though is unable to hack into Duncan's cell.

Reese tries to start small talk with Duncan but fails making a connection. At the end of the work day, Duncan snoops his way into his doctor's office, breaks into the vault, and steals information. Reese realizes the CIA is involved when he sees his old boss. 

In the past, Reese and Gina interrogate a suspect about missing weapons. In the present, Reese will blow his cover if Beale learns he is still alive.  Root realizes she has been sending packages to a specific destination, which could be a cover for Samaritan.

After spotting Beale's hideout, Reese knocks out the muscle and rescues Beale. Reese takes out a big gun and starts shooting at him. Beale recognizes Reese and realizes he was attacked by a ghost from the past. 

Back in 2010, Reese continues interrogating their suspect about the missing shipment. The solider proves his allegiance hasn't been shifted; he hasn't done anything. Back in the present, Reese has Duncan at a safe-house. Duncan reveals he was looking for information on his brother Paul. 

Root has stolen a delivery truck and knocked out its driver. Finch uses a laptop, finds a code and copies the algorithm. Duncan reveals Paul was killed in action; what happened to him? He stole classified files to find out who he was. Paul was under investigation for treason. Paul happens to be the solider Reese interrogated and killed. 

Reese has to get Beale to back off from Duncan. While Finch isTimes Square, searching info on Paul Dincan, Beale finds out about the hacking. Finch serves as the distraction while Reese and Duncan search an office.

Root solved the algorithm, which is an Emily Dickinson poem. Duncan learns the missing weapons were stingers and the operation was a cover-up. Before they can escape, Beale knocks out Reese.  

Held hostage by Beale, Reese reveals to he was the one who killed Paul; he wasn't a traitor.Reese fights his way through and causes a car crash. Reese lets Beale live and escapes with Duncan. 

Finch argues with Root as she has downloaded the malware into the Machine. Reese tells Beale that he will leave Duncan, or else he faces exposure.

In the past, Paul was indeed a traitor. At a park, Reese breakups with Iris before he gets a new number. 

Readers, what did you think of Truth Be Told?