NBC Blindspot S01E21: If Love a Rebel, Death Will Render Jaimie Alexander/Jane Doe Premiere

By Jorge Solis j.solis@mstarsnews.com | May 17, 2016 02:00 AM EDT

NBC continues with the midseason premiere of Blindspot. In episode 22, will Jane Doe (Jaimie Alexander) and Kurt Weller (Sullivan Stapleton) be able to solve another piece of the tattoo map in If Love a Rebel, Death Will Render?

Knowing she was used to frame Bethany, Jane tells Oscar that she's done with him and all his missions. Sophia shows up to reveal Bethany worked outside the law on Daylight and now she has to set things right; this is all phase one.

Time has passed as a baby is found in the bag. As Kurt and his father share a childhood memory with Jane, Tasha tells Reade that Bethany is being released. Kurt pays a visit to Bethany, who now has an ankle monitor. Only Bethany knows the truth, she believes Sophia is alive.

Director Pellington has taken over Bethany's position and his first order of business is to shut down Jane Doe. Bethany has a major clue to the driver in the photo but she doesn't know who Oscar is. Patterson tells the team about the baby in the bag, who has the same bar code on her arm. The code matches one of Jane's tattoos. 

Knowing she was setup, Bethany gets rid of her ankle monitor. As Patterson looks for a man named Edward, she finds a match for the baby. The baby's father happens to be a presidential candidate .

As the team meets with Edward, he is shot down by a sniper. After losing the sniper, Jane and Kurt interrogate the father, who never had an affair. His only child is in a hospital bed. Bethany is on her own solo mission to find Oscar. 

Though Pennington suspends the case, Kurt refuses to stop the investigation. After Jane is kicked off the team, Kurt promises to her that he will fix things. Patterson now has new info on the baby and realizes the mother may have been a secret surrogate. 

As Jane goes out on her own, she  finds herself taking down hit-men and chasing after a mysterious woman. Bethany continues to follow her leads to Sophia. Bethany ends up calling Reade and asks for his help. 

As the team learns about a secret transplant off the books, Kurt realizes the crooked doctors are growing children with surrogates. Jane finds herself inside a facility when security opens fire on the team.

While Jane fights with the assassin, they both end up knocked down.Even though he saved the babies and revived Jane, Kurt gets chewed out by the new boss. Turns out this was all a test to see if Kurt was ready to take Bethany's place.

Kurt ends up kissing Jane before going out with the rest of the team for a drink. Jane breaks it off with Oscar when Bethany shows up. Oscar puts a bullet in Bethany's back. Bethany ends up dying in Jane's hands.

Kurt's father has something to say to his son. The real Taylor Shaw is buried under the fort and he killed her. 

Kurt watches his father die after hearing his confession. 

Readers, what did you think of If Love a Rebel, Death Will Render?