IDW's The X-Files #2 Review: David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson's Mulder/Scully Comic Book!

By Jorge Solis | May 25, 2016 05:00 PM EDT

IDW Publishing continues to fight the future with The X-Files #2 FBI agents Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) have a new comic book adventure in writer Joe Harris and artist Matthew Dow Smith's gripping second installment. 

As we previously mentioned, whether they liked it or not, FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully have become known for the bureau because of their work in The X-Files Unit. The professional careers revolved around the unexplained phenomena and unsolvable casework.  After years living in peaceful anonymity, the duo are now forced to return to the Bureau. There is still a lot of work for them to do.

This critic appreciates that the continuity takes place within the recent Revival arc. These are the cases that Mulder and Scully were working on within those 6 episodes. As Mulder and Scully take on the cartel, I'm wondering how the comics will dive into the mythology but this standalone issue definitely makes for an exciting read!

Writer Joe Harris finds clever ways to deliver his social commentary inside the narrative. Harris addresses illegal immigration from different perspectives on the matter. This isn't agents looking at the subject through a procedural. Because the case involves missing children, Mulder and Scully have to see this case through the eyes of a parent. The subject of past regreats and childhood was examined heavily in Revival.

Artist Matthew Dow Smith focuses on the themes of family and parenthood through his camera angles. When the agents meet with the traumatized child, the investigative duo appear tall and aligned in the low angles. The child is always looking up at the adults, as if seeking some kind of parental advice.    


The X-Files #2 is out in stores now.