Doctor Strange News: New material for movie out; See new trailer and a psychedelic poster

By Dean Edward Carayag | Oct 13, 2016 01:18 AM EDT

As the days close by when we'll finally enter the realm of Doctor Strange, more and more publicity materials hit the inter webs. More trailers and more posters that has been developing so much hype for the Marvel Cinematic Universe fans. At this point, it looks like Doctor Strange will not disappoint.

On the previous image is the new poster revealed. According to Slash film, this poster pays homage to the original Doctor Strange comics since it has that psychedelic vibe to it. The first few comics of Doctor Strange were published at times when Woodstock and hippies were the thing.

So, the designs of this particular comic series did look quite colourful. What makes these particular posters cooler is that it shows a different look at a blacklight. These posters were designed by Randal Roberts and these will be given out to AMC Stub members who will see in the movie in IMAX.

Asides the poster, in another article from Slash film, Doctor Strange has also released a new trailer and revealed one of the most iconic pieces of what makes Doctor Strange who he is. This piece is the Cloak of Levitation.

Aside from that, there are other features that the trailer does point out. As one can see, the visuals of the movie is completely stunning or psychedelic to say the most. Again it does kind off pay homage to Steve Dikto's, the artist known to make psychedelic images for Doctor Strange, art style.

Within just a few more weeks, Marvel Cinematic Universe fans will gauge their eyes to the first magical being of the said universe. Just like Antman, this can possibly even link up to more of the much awaited Avengers Infinity War.

So as fans, it must be sure that Doctor Strange seats will be occupied till the end of the credits on November 4, 2016.