Thor Ragnarok Plot Theories: Will Thor and The Hulk clash like Captain America and Iron Man?

By Nichole Ann Kholoma | Oct 13, 2016 11:41 AM EDT

Chris Hemsworth returns as the mighty Thor with the incredible Hulk played by Mark Ruffallo in Thor: Ragnarok. The two will be traveling the galaxy side by side on the way to planet HULK!

And one knows a battle of godly proportions is about to go down when it has been leaked that the Hulk will be wearing his gladiator armor. Who's to say that these two powerful allies won't be in combat with each other? After all, the two have had a history of exchanging green fists and hammer as recalled in the first Avengers movie.

It seems rather obvious that Marvel will stray the movie version away from the original storyline of Thor: Ragnarok in the comic book arc. But how much of Hulk will be incorporated in the movie exactly? Would it be enough to squeeze in green rage machine's name in the title itself?

As reported by MovieNewsGuide, the two heroes might meet by Thor visiting the planet Sakaar. There, he bumps in to Banner as a gladiator Hulk fighting in combat in the arena. In Sakaar, fans might see Korg as recently teased by director Taila Waititi.

In case one forgot who Korg is, he is a giant rock warrior of a mighty alien race called Kronan. Rumors say that the Kronan warrior killed by Thor in the last movie "The Dark World" was never proven to be Korg. But it may have actually been Korg's brother all along as speculated by Slashfilm in their report. 

If this is true, Thor can surely expect an extremely vengeful Korg going after him! Also to cameo in the movie is the all powerful Dr. Strange. With all of this, what exciting things do you expect to see in Thor: Ragnarok.

The highly anticipated Thor: Ragnarok film that is promised by director Taika Waititi to surely be memorable is scheduled to hit the cinemas on November 3rd, 2017.