Bob Dylan Wins Nobel Prize Award 2016 For Literature

By Cristina Limpiada | Oct 16, 2016 09:45 PM EDT

Just recently, singer-songwriter Bob Dylan takes the best award as he wins the Nobel Prize in literature award in 2016. He has been a great influence in the American music tradition.

Bob Dylan served the music industry for more than six decades now and had claimed himself as one of the traditional men in music. Bob's gravelly voice with poetic lyrics musing over war, changes every heart who is either in love or broken, betrayal, even death and moral faithlessness in songs where he brought beauty to life.

Meanwhile, as reported by The Guardian, Bob Dylan place as one of the world's greatest artistic figures was elevated last Thursday and surprisingly it was Bob Dylan's name that was called the winner of the Nobel Prize Award for 2016 in literature. It was quoted during the event that Bob Dylan beats all other nominees "for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition."

To recall, half a century ago, now Nobel Prize winner Bob Dylan shocked the music world by plugging in an electric guitar and alienating folk purists. And for decades, Bob continued to confound expectations, through selling millions of records with solid, enigmatic songwriting. He had touched the heart of every American in every song he made, the most seen reasons why he was chosen to get the Nobel Prize 2016.

As per NY Times, Bob Dylan at 75 is known to be the first musician to win the Nobel Prize Award in Literature. The Swedish Academy, which awards the prize made the most original choice in history as they dramatically redefined the boundaries of literature.

"We hoped the news would be received with joy, but you never know," Sara Danius of Swedish Academy said in an interview as she compares Bob Dylan songs to the works of Homer and Sappho. It's something like song lyrics vs. poetry or novels.

Danius also added, "We're giving it to Bob Dylan as a great poet- that is the reason we awarded him the Nobel Prize. He's a great poet in the great English tradition, and he's a fascinating traditionalist, in his highly authentic way.  And not just the written tradition, but also the oral one; not just high literature, but also cheap literature."

It is reported that literary scholars have long debated for the Nobel Prize Award 2016 to be given to Bob Dylan or not. However, The Oxford Book of American Poetry and the Cambridge University Press further supports Bob and pursuing his excellent reputation as a brilliant literary artist in an authentic way.