Elon Musk and SpaceX announce new plans for Mars expedition

By Staff Reporter | Oct 26, 2016 05:58 AM EDT

Elon Musk and his company, SpaceX never ceases to amaze and surprise the Space Exploration Community. Just today, announcements have been made regarding their eventual plan to support human existence on the red planet.

During a Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA) session, Musk spoke about SpaceX's Mars exploration plan including the vehicles and systems among others that will be used such as the Interplanetary Transport System (ITS), which will involve the Falcon Heavy rocket, and the Red Dragon capsule, and even the production of propellant on Mars to return to Earth, just to name a few.

Most of the information that Musk enlightened on was mostly technical in nature but nonetheless exciting.

One such facet is the use of droids that will help in rearing the permanent habitation of Mars.

When asked about what "Permanent Habitation" is all about, Musk replied, "Initially, glass panes with carbon fiber frames to build geodesic domes on the surface, plus a lot of miner/tunneling droids. With the latter, you can build out a huge amount of pressurized space for industrial operations and leave the glass domes for green living space."

Not much information was given about the droids and considering that Musk did mention that artificial intelligence could be "potentially more dangerous than nukes." The space community is left hanging. Maybe picturing "Star Wars" might help.

The utilization of nmanned vehicles on the other hand have already been an integral part of interplanetary exploration. NASA has been using them for their own research on Mars with the Curiosity rover being the best example.

Whatever SpaceX may come up with next, one thing is for sure, the plan to establish a colony with more than 1 million people on the Red Planet over the course of 100 years.

Now please tell how exciting is that!