Alaskan man caught footage of a sea monster.

By Nichole Ann Kholoma | Oct 31, 2016 04:05 AM EDT

A viral video of a strange creature slithering in the murky waters of the Chena river baffles citizens and people in the internet.

A man by the name of Craig McCaa who works for the Bureau of Land Management have captured what seems to be some type of sea monster swimming along the Chena river in Fairbanks, Alaska on clear video, the video was taken when Craig was checking the ice formations on the river. The video has generated around 300,000 views few moments after being uploaded on October 18,2016.

The creature on video is said to be around 12 - 15 feet long. Craig McCaa called the attention of Alaska Dispatch News. Other people who saw the video had their own theories to the so called sea monster, some speculated it to be linked to the famous Loch Ness Monster, some saw it as some sort of drifting garbage, while others speculated it to be some form of new marine wild life.

Others who have watched the video remained shocked with the footage, according to People McCaa released the statement to Alaska Dispatch News, "It never fully revealed itself," McCaa then revealed that he increased the speed of the video and added minor sound effects.

Craig McCaa also said, "I initially thought, and several people thought, it could be some rope that snagged on the bottom of the river with chunks of ice." "Other people have mentioned everything from sea monster to giant sturgeon."

From the video itself, the main visible parts were the chunks of ice that were aligned following a long flowing thing. Is this proof of a living unknown sea creature living in the rivers of Fairbanks, Alaska? Or could this just be a video of a strange object that is not what it seems to be? Any thoughts on the video?