Viral site for Power Rangers movie online

By Staff Writer | Nov 03, 2016 05:19 AM EDT

Power Rangers producer Lionsgate had set up a website that coincides with the new school year. Hoping to build up the hype for next year's release, the site has the look and feel of a school newspaper.

The Roar, as the site is named, is the official online newspaper of the fictional Angel Grove High School, which features the five members of the titular team. As IGN points out, the site has articles for nearly each one of the main characters, and also has some new images of the cast in its six different sections.

Jason Scott (Dacre Montgomery) has two articles in the Sports section, one showing him as the star of the school's American Football team, according to Cinema Blend. The other article reports his suspension from the team due to a prank gone so bad, he is required to wear a police ankle monitor, as shown in the trailer.

The site also has a Student Life section, where a couple of articles for Kimberly (Naomi Scott) can be seen. One talks about her well-received style by fashionistas, while the other is about her cheerleader status at campus. It also has links to other sites for those who are interested to purchase the outfit she has in the trailers. A single photo is seen about Zack (Ludi Lin); hopefully an article for him would come up in the future.  

The Student Spotlight section has an article about Billy Cranston (CJ Ryler) and his amazing academic record. It also has an article about Trini (Becky G) on "New Student Spotlight". Next to it, however, is a letter to the editor stating that the "New Student" is not really a new student, as she has been attending the school for a t least a year.

A nod to the fans of the original series could be seen on the site as well, as one of the images for the Halloween costumes harks back to the first Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

Power Rangers, which is scheduled for a March 2017 premiere, also has Bryan Cranston of Breaking Bad as Zordon, the team's mentor, and Elizabeth Banks as villain Rita Repulsa