Laura Ingraham eyed as press secretary of Trump Administration

By Staff Writer | Nov 15, 2016 09:40 PM EST

Donald Trump reportedly wants Laura Ingraham to be his press secretary in the White House. With an impressive resume, the conservative radio host may be the best fit for the job.

Ingraham has proven to be an instrumental piece to getting Trump to the oval office.  Using her influence in the media, she campaigned for the business mogul through her nationally syndicated radio program and her website, among others.

Being a former defense attorney and Supreme Court law clerk, she assisted Trump in preparing for the debates and provided occasional strategic advices. It was also reported that his camp armed their candidate with information from her years of dirt-digging the Clintons.

While there was no official response from IngrahamThe Hill reports that insider sources say that she is in contact with the President-elect's team and has expressed interest in taking the position. They also add that Trump's inner circle view her as a tough woman and they believe she has the capability to convey the anti-establishment message that Trump presents.

Preparing to take the highest position in the United States on January 20th, the President-elect is slowly building up his transition team. Fox News shares that Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee (or RNC), is appointed as Chief-of-Staff of the White House, while Steve Bannon will serve as chief strategist of the Trump Administration. It also adds that the position of UN Ambassador might be occupied by Richard Grinnell, a former US speaker at the UN during the time of Bush.

Other personalities that are under consideration are Steven Mnuchin from the banking sector as the Secretary of Treasury and Ben Carson for either the Education post or Health and Human Services. Newt Gingrich (former House Speaker), Mike Huckabee (former Arkansas Governor), Rudy Giuliani (former mayor of New York) and Lt. Gen Michael Finn are also considered for several cabinet posts, though no official designation has been given as of yet.

Donald Trump won the U.S. Presidential election against Hillary Clinton on November 9th, with a 276 to 218 lead, making him the 45th President of the United States of America