Donald Trump's Great Wall; How Will the US President-Elect Build the Wall?

By Honey A. Demecillo | Nov 21, 2016 07:38 AM EST

In the midst of his candidacy, Donald Trump announced his first proposal in his speech in June 2015. He proposed an idea of building a wall along America's southern border because of he has real estate experience and he is qualified for the job. He said, he will construct a great wall and claims that nobody builds walls better than him, he will build a great, great wall on the southern border and make Mexico pay for that.

On the, this barrier along US-Mexican border will simply an emblem on unauthorized immigration. The members of his team have been claiming the plan but not on a literal one, he never encourages the people to think the wall in that way. He always maintains that widespread face that the people will amaze from other side and cries of "build the wall" from the other.

Donald Trump acknowledges that in certain areas where the wall is more appropriate, and he's very good at it, it's called the construction. This is not the first to come up with an idea of protecting country's border  over unauthorized immigrants. But he is the only one who sells the idea eagerly to such large of an audience .

We have seen the Great Wall of China, the wall of Israel, and the Berlin Wall that build along the West Bank. It has numerous attempts made just to build a barrier on the 3057-kilometer Mexican border for over years. It is now on a mixture of fences, graffiti covered metal, concrete rods, surveillance cameras, and another structure admits the design company who's looking into a challenge.

CNBC stated that building a wall upon US-Mexican border is the most controversial campaign promises, along with Donald Trump's impolitic statement that Mexico will be the one to pay for it. The question is, who will be foot the bills that have not been settled. Details on Trump's Mexican wall aim to emerge as they did during the campaign.

The wall will turn out 2,000 miles long to cover the whole border. Brandon Judd, the head of Border Patrol Agent's Union said in an interview that the wall will be built in "strategic locations" and there is already a steel fencing upon 10-15% of the border. On the other hand, President-elect Donald Trump is devoted to "bring jobs home" and sets up a special deportation task for all the illegal immigrants.