‘Pretty Little Liars’Final Season &‘Famous in Love’Premiere Dates;Lucy Hale Wants Tragic End?

By Cristina Limpiada | Nov 23, 2016 10:59 PM EST

'Pretty Little Liars' final season was finally revealed its premiere date, together with the new 'Famous in Love' series. Meanwhile, lead role Lucy Hale said she wants a tragic ending.

As per Spoilers Guide, Freeform has recently announced the official premiere date of the new show, 'Famous in Love' together with the 'Pretty Little Liars' final season. Furthermore, 'Pretty Little Liars' final season premiere would be on Tuesday, April 18, 2017, at 8 PM followed by 'Famous in Love' at 9 PM.

'Famous in Love' is a new show starring Bella Thorne, which is based on a novel by Rebecca Serle and published by Little, Brown, and Company. This will feature an ordinary college student, Paige (Bella Thorne) as she gets the big break after auditioning for a starring role in a Hollywood blockbuster film.

Giving more info, Freeform also added that there would be an official logline for the 'Pretty Little Liars' final season. "The final season of the 'Pretty Little Liars,' will be filled with homecomings and reunions, as well as bringing back the old characters."

Freeform further stated that the characters would include Wren Kingston (Julian Morris), Pastor Ted Wilson (Edward Kerr), Jenna Marshall (Tammin Sursok), Paige McCullers (Lindsay Shaw), Sydney Driscoll (Chloe Bridges), Melissa Hastings (Torrey DeVitto) and Charlotte DiLaurentis (Vanessa Ray). The finale is also said to be a two-hour, drama-filled episode, which is to be followed by an hour tell-all special.

 Eventually, the lead actress Lucy Hale commented already for the 'Pretty Little Liars' final season, as per E! News. Lucy wants the ending to be tragic and she wants the people to be really upset. "I used to say, oh, I want the girls to end up happy and live an A-free life, but I kind of want it to end tragically."

Lucy further stated, "I want people to be really upset like they've lost something when the show ends, because I know that my favorite shows have ended that way, so a tragic ending. I'll just leave it at that." However, it was not Lucy Hale, who will tell what would be the ending of the 'Pretty Little Liars' final season.