‘Star Wars Rebels’ Latest News: Rogue One saw Gerrera in an animated appearance

By Staff Reporter | Dec 20, 2016 12:57 PM EST

A character from the recently concluded Rogue One: A Star Wars' Story will be gracing the screen once more in the upcoming 2017 Star Wars Rebels.

Saw Gerrera who was portrayed by Forrest Whittaker in the stand alone movie is speculated to make an appearance in 3rd season of animated series Star Wars Rebels. The reintroduction of the character has been hinted by a promotional material spotted in a Toys R Us branches located in the U.S., according to Screen Crush.

The ad also ran the quote which said,"Save the Rebellion, save the dream." The poster itself depicts a youthful Gerrera without the constraints of a breathing apparatus. Rumors have surfaced that an investigation on Geonosis is being conducted for this outing and this could unlikely reveal why the Rebel Alliance suddenly distrusted him.

Gerrera was created by George Lucas and in the Star Wars lore was a rebel soldier who spearheaded the Onderon forces who bitterly fought against the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. In the Gareth Edwards-directed movie, fans learned that the fighter was in charge of an orphaned Jyn Erso. Gerrera in this incarnation was not the same Gerrera as the one introduced in the Clone Wars movie. He was now a paralytic with a bitter temper in the movie. This promoted him and his unlikely protégé to hardly meet eye to eye in the movie. Fans would really be interested in an expanded backstory on the Gerrera character in his next appearance.

There's no information on whether the character will regular on Star Wars Rebels, or if he'll only make a brief appearance. It's also important to note that this storyline occurs several years before the events of Rogue One.

In related news, questions have been raised regarding the moral principle of having the dearly departed actor Peter Cushing be included in the stand-alone movie as a resurrected CGI, according to The Independent. 

Cushing played the villainous Grand Moff Tarkin in Star Wars: A New Hope.