'Gears of War 4' update promises punishment for 'quitters'

By La Volpe | Jan 12, 2017 12:57 PM EST

Gear of War 4's third Title Update dropped on January 10 and brought new sets of weapon skins, classic maps, and ultimately, gameplay changes.

This said gameplay changes are set for combat players who quit out of matches early. Yes, they're for all rage quitters out there.

According to Engadget, Title Update 3 introduced the first phase of efforts to discipline those who bail out of the game prematurely. If a player quits a Core or Competitive round, they will face a temporary matchmaking ban to "discourage drop out behavior" and the more players do it, the longer the ban will last. Moreover, Squads with a suspended player won't be allowed to do matchmaking until the offending player's penalty is over.

However, unlike other games, there is an absolution. A Join in Progress feature gives GOW players the opportunity to return to match within 5 minutes of leaving, and would erase their penalties in the process, provided that the game is still in progress. This new "Rejoin Match" option will be of great help for quitters who would regret their spontaneous decisions, but it will mainly be of most importance for anyone who unintentionally drops out of the game due to a crappy internet connection, perhaps.

More on the latest update: patch details are as follows, as reported by Windows Central.

Two New Maps

Two new maps and Series 2 of Gear Pack contents arrive with Title Update 3 that delivers hundreds of new Cards to collect.

Spectator Mode Improvements

The latest update brings far more information for viewers to follow the action while reducing the real estate taken up by Player Cards to make them more viable for use when streaming tournaments.

Other Fixes

    Other fixes in the game include Increased Escalation Win and Bonuses, Increased Escalation Win Bounty Rewards, and Added UI notification to show new Cards in your collection when opening Gear Packs. Also, Squad Members can now immediately see when they have been removed from a Squad. Furthermore, the patch also fixes an issue allowing grenade effects to continue into the next round in Versus mode, as well as other miscellaneous fixes and improvements. Microsoft will also have additional contents for the game for several months so players are in for tons of cool stuff soon.