Steve Harvey Faces Backlash For Racist Joke About Asian Men

By Binta Abubakar | Jan 13, 2017 09:00 AM EST

Talk show host, Steve Harvey has called lots of attention with a recent video clip from his show. The 59-year-old comedian is receiving a backlash for his recent racist remarks about Asian men.

Although, he might have only joked to cheer his audience and not intend any offence, the social media does not see it the same way. He has met lots of boos and jeers for the comments which he made during his "Steve Harvey Show" on Friday. The clip has gone viral and has been circulating online throughout this week.

During the show, Harvey was reviewing a 2002 book entitled, "How To Date A White Woman: A Practical Guide For Asian Men." He explained that the self-help book should have only a page with the question, "'Excuse me, do you like Asian men?''No, thank you."

He mockingly added that, if there was a similar book entitled "How To Date A Black Woman: A Practical Guide For Asian Men," it would be one page too!

Harvey continued to say: "'You like Asian men?' 'I do not even like Chinese food. It do not stay with you no time .... I do not eat what I cannot pronounce."

As he made this comments, he intermittently paused to laugh at his jokes, but the majority of his audience did not find his joke very funny.

Mashable reported that, giving the title of the book, Harvey's comments seemed to suggest that a white woman would never be interested in dating an Asian man. However, he made things even worse when he made the black woman joke.

He has received lots of negative comments on social media as a Youtube commenter described his joke as disrespectful. Another Youtube user said, "Shame I'm Asian," he added that he loved Steve Harvey but after seeing the video, he now knows the kind of person he really is, according to Foxnews

Although the comedian may have found his remarks hilarious, many social media users disagreed. Harvey is yet to comment on this development.