Overwatch ‘Roadhog’s Hook’ undergoes re-balancing in latest PTR test build

By Binta Abubakar | Jan 13, 2017 11:55 AM EST

Roadhog's hook undergoes a rebalancing in the latest PTR test build. A recent post from designer Geoff Goodman on the Overwatch forum states that the team is re-balancing Roadhog's Hook after the most recent changes. It was reported that Roadhog will get the following updates very soon.

More line of sight checks towards the left/right of a potential hook target will be added, which means it would be easier to hook someone who is sticking halfway out of a doorway or behind a thin pole. The checks are also used for the continuous line of sight check, which helps to trap targets that shield behind slim objects like a stump or a pole.

According to Newsvader, hooked targets are now heavily slowed down when they are stunned, it applies even if targets are in the air. Therefore, if a person is strafe jumping away from his enemy and he is hooked in the process, he will be unable to break the hook thus remaining stuck.

Another feature that is underway is, fixing a bug that could allow players to hook their target and pull them behind when they spun around before the hook landed. Overwatch recently introduced new balance changes in its latest test build with additional features.

Ana's healing grenade has been nerfed, and potentially overpowered Overwatch favorite Roadhog will also get a nerf as promised, which should make him more consistent to play.

 D.Va also had a complicated adjustment with increased health but reduced armor and a buff to her fusion cannon. There were several bug fixes added to the update. However, It is important to note that the new update are experimental changes and may not make it into the live Overwatch build in this form and some PTR changes are PC-specific features.

Elsewhere, Overwatch players can now equip up to four each of emotes, sprays and voice lines, something Blizzard promised in its outline of 2017 Overwatch plans. Aside Roadhog, Overwatch made duration changes to Ana. Its Biotic Grenade duration has been reduced from five to four seconds, while Sombra's Hack cooldown was reduced from 12 to eight seconds, according to VG247.

It made general updates on remote wheel, hero balance updates, Sombra, User interface updates, AI, Competitive Play, Heroes and Maps. Goodman made the update hours ago, so the changes may have already been updated. Overwatch players on PC can now access a new test build on the PTR server.