Pokemon Go! Updates: 11th Nest Migration Confirmed, Check Your Spawn Spots Now!

By Staff Writer | Jan 16, 2017 12:48 AM EST

Pokemon GO's 11th great Nest Migration has occurred! If you are not sure what a Nest Migration is, Nest Migration is when a nest of a Pokemon is replaced by other Pokemon's nest. If you see a lot of Magikarp in your backyard but you're sure that your backyard was full of Rattatas yesterday, that's because of Nest Migration. You should check the spawn spots near you to see what Pokemon has been washed away by the waves into your shore.

According to Otaku kart, the last migration has changed a lot of nests while adding local nests to a lot of cities around the world. Players are fond of the Nest Migration as they are able to catch Pokemon that they haven't seen or caught before. It can sometimes spawn Pokemon that are only catchable in certain territories.

The Silph Road is a community driven project with the only sole purpose in the world is to check for new Nest Migration. If you want to be contribute to the Silph Road community, you can check for the spawn spot changes and share it on the Silph Road Atlas. You need to own a Silph Road Account to contribute but you can always register for free.

You can also help the Silph Road Atlas by verifying the infos given by the "travelers", or the contributors in the Atlas. You can check the new map after the nest migration.

A few days after the Nest Migration, a thread in Reddit is exploding of reports from local travellers. Some travellers are lucky. User FlameGrilledTauros said that he wanted to catch Machop and luckily, a spawn spot near his place was replaced with a Machop spawn spot. Another user is not very fortunate, Reddit user CheezeEatr reported that the Kabuto nest near him became Pidgey nest. Another user, Tahtorak, reported that his Jynx nest became a Caterpie nest.

Whether you're lucky or not, enjoy the Nest Migration. You can try building Pokemon teams that you never thought you could build before. Stay tuned for updates on new nest migrations.