Nintendo NES Classic Restock Update: SNES Mini, Switch Supply Steal The Limelight

By Guneet Bhatia | Jan 16, 2017 10:33 AM EST

Nintendo NES Classic's availability throughout the holiday season and in the new year was promised by the company, but it failed to keep up to its promises. Now new reports suggest that Nintendo NES Classic shortage may persist in the months to come.

NES Classic Edition was released nearly two months ago in November 2016. Despite the huge success of Pokemon Go and Super Mario Run, NES Classic worked the best in generating interest and enthusiasm among Nintendo fans.

The huge surge in popularity of NES Classic directly impacted its demand among the Nintendo users. The supply from Nintendo did not meet the demand and this left a huge number of fans hanging in the air, making all effort to grab their version of NES Classic Edition.

It was initially rumored that the company may have intentionally created the scarcity to increase the perception of its demand. That is, Nintendo may have created an image of short supply on purpose, to portray that there is a huge demand for the console and to strengthen the hype for the upcoming SNES Mini and Switch.

However, in an interview with GameSpot, Nintendo Executive Reggie Fils-Aime cleared that the shortage occurred because the demand for the console clearly outpaced the supply from Nintendo's end.

This happened at the first place because Nintendo initially identified the target audience as adults who has played NES as kids, but never stepped away from gaming. But later the company noticed that a majority of demand was from people who were active gamers. Lack of anticipation, thus, led to shortage of supply.

Meanwhile, it is also rumored that the hype could actually work in the favor of the upcoming SNES Console, which is expected to be released during 2017's holiday season. It may have already worked in the favor of Nintendo Switch, which has already been sold out on the websites of different retailers.

Preorders for Nintendo Switch were available on Amazon, Walmart, GameSpot, Target and Best Buy since January 13, Friday. A report published by Tech Times suggests that the users can no longer make reservations or preorder Nintendo Switch because all allotments have been used up.