It's Finally Here! 'The Last of Us 2' Launch Date Details Revealed

By Trian Gulum Tolstoy | Jan 18, 2017 11:03 AM EST

An everlasting standing ovation was observed at the PlayStation Experience event back in December, as Naughty Dog and Sony Interactive Entertainment revealed the official trailer of the highly-anticipated game "The Last of Us 2". Since then, the game developer has refrained from exposing more game content on the upcoming sequel. The shocking trailer made the avid players seemingly antsy to get their hands on the game.

However, fans of the original 2013 game must keep in mind that the sequel mainly focuses on Ellie. In the game's prequel, Ellie was solely a supporting character who played a critical role throughout the game. Major changes are about to happen to Ellie in the upcoming sequel as a glimpse of the then 14-year-old, and now a protagonist, in action was seen by players at the event. According to the game's creative director, Ellie, who is now filled with abhorrence, is beginning to revamp as she journeys in the game, as cited on Kotaku.

It is also confirmed that five years have elapsed, which is a little excess than players who have been expecting for a follow-up until the recent trailer release. Players are highly to encounter portions and side-quests of the game content of those five years throughout gameplay.

Although it is established that the reprising of roles of Troy Barker and Ashley Johnson as Joel and Ellie, respectively, there is a prospect that "The Last of Us 2" will likely to showcase a storyline involving the two characters. Nevertheless, the explicit information revealed to the fans is still unfixed or unfinalized.

With all the mad screams and crazy hype around the upcoming sequel, "The Last of Us 2" has been a main issue to bizarre and outré fan theories. As reported on Video Games Republic, that such speculation suggests that Joel could possibly be a specter that Ellie keeps running into after an appalling death. In an interview, Druckmann expressed an aforesaid description that the mentioned theory coincides about Ellie's hatred towards enemies that are not yet revealed.

Ellie is now a 19-year-old girl and looks robust and stronger both physically and emotionally, while Joel seems to have enfeebled through the years. Joel becomes no longer the guardian who defends Ellie but he comes in sight to have become her responsibility instead.

Unfortunately, the upcoming title does not yet have an affixed date of the official game release. On the brighter side, Naughty Dog has an idea about when the sequel could be sold and marketed at stores. The game developer, however, has settled and decided to remain confidential and private about "The Last of Us 2" until the game is primed and complete.