Pokemon Go: Latest Update Bring Improved GPS Tracking And Other Upgrades But No New Features

By Binta Abubakar | Jan 18, 2017 09:21 AM EST

Niantic has updated "Pokemon Go" on all platforms thus bringing it to version 0.53.1 on Android and 1.23.1 on iOS. The developer has upgraded Apple Watch to display Eggs obtained from PokeStops, minor text fixes and changed distance tracking to better account for GPS drift.

However, the update is not very exciting as it did not introduce any new "Pokemon Go" features or event. The "Pokemon Go," since its launch, has dominated the mobile gaming platforms, generating huge revenue for the developer which can be attributed to Niantic's regular efforts to improve the game through updates and fixes.

The latest fixes made to "Pokemon GO" include a change to the distance tracking which usually affects the GPS drift that many players experience while playing. The fix is expected to effectively nerf the small shifts players face, mostly when they are not moving around, Game Rant reports.

This is considered to be a very important update as some "Pokemon GO" players resort to using their phone provider GPS to hatch eggs to obtain Pokemon even when they are unable to move. Players are hoping that the update will correct these issues and make the game fair for all players. It is said to be the greatest improvement to the GPS tracking.

The update is also expected to correct the issues players encounter when they are on the move and the character on the screen darts quickly across the screen, which usually make the game to mistake the quick shifts with moving in vehicles, thereby restricting a player's access to PokeStops and nearby Gyms.

It is reported by Vg247 that, the above mentioned update which upgrades the application to 1.23.1 on iOS and 0.53.1 on Android, fixes to the distance tracker, and Apple Watch app to display eggs obtained from PokeStops and minor text fixes has already launched.

With the recent boost in revenue generation for "Pokemon GO," there is no doubt that Niantic is working to make many fixes to the game so as to keep players coming back for more. There are still few needed changes and players are hoping that the developer has plenty of plans set for "Pokemon GO" in 2017. Players are more interested in seeing new features like player vs. player battles and Pokemon trading.