‘The Predator’ 4 Cast Additions: New ‘Alien:Covenant’ and ‘Pacific Rim 2’ Update

By Trian Gulum Tolstoy | Jan 19, 2017 12:38 AM EST

Two of the Hollywood celebrities Trevante Rhodes and Keegan Michael-Key have officially joined on the cast of Shane Black's Predator last week. It was confirmed that Rhodes' character is somewhat rumored to be an ex-marine and close friend of Holbrook's character, while Keegan's role has yet to be revealed, but is also somewhat rumored to join with Holbrook and Rhodes' characters in the battle against from a multiple "Predators". Though, the actual number of Predators have not yet been confirmed.

It was stated on the Collider that the Predator is the highly-anticipated sequel from a script by Shane Black and Monster Squad director Fred Dekker said that it will arrive in theaters on March 2, 2018; a date that is the exciting screenwriting duo, and recently debuted first poster, not much is known about the sequel, other than producer John Davis' assertion that it will re-invent the franchise.

On the other hand A new Alien:Covenant was already released last week via online showing lead actress Katherine Waterston(Daniels) with an aggressively pose which is supposedly firing on an Alien.Daniel wears ear plugs coincidentally noted by her fans-for possibly means avoiding a infectious spore Neomorph.On the same day it was debuted the exclusive interview with Concept Artist Dane Hallett.And it was also discussed Danes Inspiration behind his work and most especially what influences Prometheus had on his work for Covenant as cited on SciFied.

Alien: Covenant is up first, moving up its release date to August 4, 2017. The Prometheus semi-sequel, which is intended to be the second in a trilogy leading up to the events of Alien, Covenant supposedly pick up 10 years after the events in Prometheus, and finds the crew of the colony ship Covenant headed for a remote planet, until they find a 'paradise' planet occupied solely by Davidh(Michael Fassbender), the survivor of the Prometheus expedition.

A huge batch of high quality set of photos was given also last week from the set of Pacific Rim:Uprising(Pacific Rim 2).John Boyega and Scott Eastwood had the first image appeared on surface looks to be a PPDC control room as they contemplate how to handle the impending kaiju attack.Another batch of set of photos was also given that gave a detailed look for John accurate as well as a clues to what might be going in the scene where the photos were taken from.