'Power Rangers' Movie Cast: First Look At Megazord And Zordon In New 'Power Rangers' Trailer

By Angie Chui | Jan 20, 2017 03:29 AM EST

Power Rangers fans, feel free to geek out over the latest trailer of the Lionsgate adaptation, as the newest trailer features Megazord and Zordon, who are definite fan favorite characters from the franchise that 90s kids are dying to see.

According to Poloygon, the trailer gives fans their first real look at Zordon, the floating sage and adviser to the Power Rangers that will be played by "Breaking Bad" actor Bryan Cranston. While the big screen adaptation pays homage to the original character, the new movie injects its own contemporary flair to the 90s classic version. Fans will also be tickled pink to see Alpha 5, the robot who will be voiced by comedian Bill Hader who promises to bring his quirkiness to the character.

The trailer shows Megazord fighting off Goldor, a monster formed from rubble and concrete while main villain Rita Repulsa, the main villain who will be played by Elizabeth Banks provided a striking contrast to the colorful designs of the heroes' constumes for the film.

Although the first trailer already teased a bit of the backstory for the five teens, the second trailer fleshed out the stories of the five teens even more. The trailer also explains how they came to discover their powers and how they band together as a team to fight evil, Collider reported.

The Verge's entertainment writer Nick Statt likened the CGI version of Magazord with The Transformers' Optimus Prime but said he was on the fence about it was going to compare with the rubberized costumes of the classic source material but expressed confidence that the blend of big name actors such as Banks, Cranston and Hader with newbies Naomi Scott, Beckie G., Jason Lee Scott, Zack Taylor and Billy Cranston will make the movie a worthy watch.

Power Rangers opens in theaters on March 22 under the direction of "Project Almanac" director Dean Israelite.