'Grey's Anatomy' Season 13: Shonda Rhimes To Hide Camilla Luddington's Pregnancy

By Binta Abubakar | Jan 23, 2017 02:54 PM EST

"Grey's Anatomy" will be back on TV very soon and there have been some interesting new tidbits from the show's cast members. Fans of series were a bit disappointed after ABC postponed the 10th episode of season 13 to make way for a news special about Donald Trump, but it turns out the delay has build up a high anticipation for the show's return after the short winter break.

 It is reported that things are about to get a little interesting in the second half of the season as Alex (Justin Chambers) is currently in a lot of trouble after he assaulted DeLuca (Giacomo Gianniotti), but recent updates states that things are going to get better between him and Jo (Camilla Luddington).

Although, it seems Luddington loves the idea of the two ending up together, as she revealed in an interview with TVGuide that Alex and Jo would likely straighten their relationship this season.

Currently, Luddington is pregnant and her pregnancy might be written her into the show. But she revealed in an interview that she is not sure if it will be written into the show but as of right now, they are hiding it. She added that there is plenty of time to write it in as there are many episodes to go, according to Tripped Media.

However, it is possible that "Grey's Anatomy" would not bother including the pregnancy into the show's storyline. Although, the show has included real-life pregnancies in its storyline in the past, Shonda Rhimes covered the pregnancies up.

Meredith donated part of her liver to her dad because Ellen Pompeo wanted to hide a pregnancy bump in Season 5. Lexie Grey, in Season 6 stress-ate because actress Chyler Leigh was expecting a baby. Jessica Capshaw has been pregnant three times while filming "Grey's Anatomy."

There are no updates on how Luddington's pregnancy will be handled as nobody has said anything and there no hints that it will be written into the show. The show's main focus has been on the domestic abuse that was introduced at the end of last season.

Entertainment Tonight reports that Luddington is due in the spring of 2017, suggesting there will be a lot hiding bumps if the Grey's writers decide not to include her pregnancy in the storyline. Wilson's ex could likely turn up and put Wilson in the hospital, confining Luddington to a bed to hide the pregnancy.

"Grey's Anatomy" continues on Thursday, Jan. 26, at 8 p.m. ET on ABC. Season 12 episode 10 is titled "You Can Look But You'd Better Not Touch," and will feature Jo, Arizona (Jessica Capshaw) and Bailey (Chandra Wilson) heading to a prison to treat a 16-year-old pregnant woman.