Report: 'Night Shift' Mode Comes With Apple's New MacOS Developer Beta; Promotes Better Sleep

By Eddwyn Alaurin | Jan 26, 2017 01:08 AM EST

Nocturnals are going to love the upcoming update to the Mac. Apple has incorporated "Night Shift" mode (like the "Night Mode" in your Twitter app) in the developer beta of the macOS Sierra 10.12.4.

The "Night Shift" mode originated in the iOS 9.3 that makes the iPhone display easier for the eyes when used in the dark. With the "Night Shift" mode for the macOS, the screen's color will change to a color temperature from a harsh color to a warmer one (from blue to yellow, respectively) to prevent issues when users go to sleep after using the Mac, Macworld reports.

On the iOS however, the "Night Shift" mode automatically turns on when the sun sets and also automatically resets back when the sun shines in the morning. The "Night Shift" mode on the iOS can also be turned on manually in the iOS Control Center that can also be accessed by sweeping up the screen.

The same source also added that Apple released the "Night Shift" due to some studies that found the harsh blue emitted from the iPhone, iPad, and other Apple devices prevents the body's production of melatonin. It eventually messes up with the body's internal clock and thus, making it harder for users to fall asleep.

Sleep experts believe that a device's screen size, and light intensity does perform a big part in the body's lack of melatonin production. The larger the screen size, the more powerful the light is being emitted by the device. Thus, leading to a higher chance of not getting proper sleep. They recommend turning off all devices two hours before sleeping, at the least.

However, the theory has been opposed as there is no actual science to support it. When the "Night Shift" was first introduced, Macworld contributor Glenn Fleishman wrote "The big problem is that there's no solid evidence that mobile screens' color temperature is the real culprit, nor whether devices and monitors can shift enough to matter if they were - or even if the blue light on its own is the trigger."

Currently, the macOS Sierra 10.12.4 is only available to developer. In the future, however, it will be made available for public beta testers. Mac users shall expect to see the update this coming March or April.