Donald Trump Slammed By John Legend At PGA Awards

By Akansha Anand | Jan 30, 2017 08:30 AM EST

On Saturday night the annual award ceremony by Producers Guild of America was held in Los Angeles. The award ceremony was held just the following day when a protest at the airport was witnessed across the country as a response on behalf of the new order for restriction on immigration by the US president Donald Trump.

The sensitive issue of the #MuslimBan was considered important and a number of notables and honorees offered their opinions at the PGA Awards regarding the issue.

The PGA president Lori McCreary at the ceremony stated that there is a need to create the content expressing our true values, more than ever before. She further states that there is a greater need for them to remember the words on the Statue of Liberty, which says, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free", as per Hollywood Reporter.    

While presenting a clip from the movie 'La La Land' onstage, John Legend addressed Trump by saying that Los Angeles is a home to many immigrants and many creative people. He further added that America is free and big and is open do dreamers from different races, religion, and countries, which makes it in contrast to the vision of what President Trump has for America.

Elizabeth and Nora Rothman also received a standing ovation for their statement in regards to the issue. Their protest against Trump was in a subtle manner as they came up on stage with sporting pink "pussy hats", while presenting the Milestone Award to their father Tom Rothman, reported Billboard.

Thandie Newton, who honor the film 'Loving', by presenting it the Stanley Kramer Award also reviews the issue by stating that we might lose the small battles, but surely big wars could be won. The film "Loving" is considered for its assistance in raising public awareness regarding social issues.   

While excepting the award for the film "Loving", Colin Firth, who is one of the producers of the film also expressed himself by dedicating the award to Ricard and Mildred Loving, and ACLU along with the families of people who are being separated by someone else's discrimination. Stay tuned for more news and updates!