iOS 10.2 Jailbreak Update: Best Features For iPhone In The Yalu Beta Jailbreak

By Pritpal Singh | Feb 08, 2017 06:55 PM EST

iOS 10.2 was released in January and soon after its release a jailbreak for the new update popped up on the internet. The iOS 10.2 jailbreak tool was released by an Italian hacker named Luca Todesco. The jailbreak is famously known as Yalu 102 jailbreak and is still in beta stage.

As reported by BGR, the iOS 10.2 jailbreak brings many tweaks for the iPhone. However, the Yalu jailbreak has been labeled as "semi-stable" by many users because of the bugs and glitches that come with it. But, the features and tweaks in the iOS 10.2 jailbreak are much more pronounced than its bugs.

The jailbreak has many tweaks, however, a YouTube user "iCrackUriDevice" has compiled best 13 tweaks which are present in the Yalu iOS 10.2 jailbreak. The tweaks are as follows:


This tweak from iOS 10.2 jailbreak adds an App Switcher tab and Favorites App tab to the iOS Control Center. This tweak has been labeled as stable for iOS 10


It adds more shutdown options when the user long presses the power button. This tweak enables "Respring" and "Safe Mode" options in the Power Menu.

App Admin

This tweak from the iOS 10.2 jailbreak enables more options while installing apps. Users can even downgrade the applications they are installing.


This Yalu jailbreak tweak enables controlling the cursor location by swiping on the keyboard. It will convert the keyboard into a trackpad.

Phantom (Lite)

This tweak adds more functionality and features to the Snapchat application. This is a must have tweak for all the users of Snapchat.


This tweak is a virtual home replacement for the iOS 10. This is one of the best tweaks for people who want to customize their iPhone.


It is a Screen Capture toggle which is available in the control center. It is used to record whatever is being displayed on the screen similar to a screen recording app.


This tweak for the iOS 10.2 jailbreak speeds up the animation time in iOS 10 and the OS feels snappier and more responsive.


This tweak adds a toggle button for enabling low power mode in the control center of iOS 10. This will save battery life and power by lowering down the CPU.


This tweak speeds up the iPhone significantly by deleting message attachments and old cache files. This tweak might increase the performance of the iPhone.


It adds a new row of icons to the doc. Users can access the new row by swiping up on the doc. This tweak adds a little customization to the Dock area.

The iOS 10.2 jailbreak loads up iOS 10 devices with numerous tweaks and adds features which most of the users want on their iPhone. Since Yalu jailbreak for iOS 10.2 is still in beta stage it is not very stable and users should jailbreak their devices with caution as it voids the warranty of the device.