‘PlayStation 4’ Finally Matches ‘Xbox One’ Features With 4.50 Software Update

By Staff Writer | Feb 13, 2017 12:48 AM EST

The eight generation console wars are dominated by Sony's "PlayStation 4" and Microsoft's "Xbox One", with the "Wii U" of Nintendo picking up the tail. While both consoles have equally impressive specs and lineup of games, the Microsoft's flagship console had special features that gave it some leverage from Sony. That is, until now.

John Koller, PlayStation Brand Marketing Vice President, recently announced through the official PlayStation Blog that the "PlayStation 4" will be receiving a new system software update. Codenamed 'Sasuke', version 4.50 will add more things to the already-powerful console, like the highly-demanded external hard disc drive (HDD) support.

Once the update is installed on the "PlayStation 4", users can attach HDDs of up to 8TB on the device, which could be used to store games and applications externally, though save files will still be left on the internal storage. According to Cinema Blend, the service has been offered by "Xbox One" shortly after its November 2013 release.

Another new feature the update brings for the "PlayStation 4" is the option to add custom wallpapers, which allow users to use in-game screenshots as their wallpapers for the console. Editing those screenshots are also possible, thanks to the built-in 'Photo Mode'.

Other additions are the updated 'Quick Menu', a simplified notification list, and the ability to post on the Activity Feeds portion of the "PlayStation 4" PlayStation Network. 3D movies will also be viewable via the power of the console's Virtual Reality (VR) headset.

While most owners of the "PlayStation 4" are thrilled for the update, there are some who still feel cheated, as their requests were not granted. These include the backwards compatibility, which "Xbox One" has done to an extent, Bluetooth compatibility with Sony headsets and the ability to change the username for the PSN.   

November 2013 saw the release of the "PlayStation 4". Its updated version, the PS4 Pro, was released three years later, on November 2016.