‘Fifty Shades Darker' Review: Here Five Major Changes From E.L. James Book To James Foley Film

By Inayah Mulia Dewi | Feb 13, 2017 01:25 AM EST

The new installment of BDSM romance saga, "Fifty Shades Darker", already heats up theaters since Friday. While the film hasn't been attractive enough for movie critics to applaud after watching it, fans will likely enjoy the next chapter of Christian Grey (Jamie Dornan) and Anastasia Steele (Dakota Johnson) as they strive to navigate their relationship.

However, as it's always been the case in every film based on books, there are significant changes made once the story hits the screen. Director James Foley, as quoted in E! News, insisted that the alterations are necessary. "There's nothing we left out on purpose, it was all simply about time," added the director. Here are some things from E.L. James' book that failed to make an appearance to "Fifty Shades Darker" screen:      

Readers may have been looking forward seeing this plot depicted in the film. Unfortunately, this entire sequence was omitted in "Fifty Shades Darker" film. In the book, Mia Grey secretly arranges a special dance auction and signs up Ana without her knowledge. After fighting in a heated bidding war, Christian bids $100,000 for a dance with Ana, which obviously shocks everyone at the ball.

In the movie version of "Fifty Shades Darker", Christian Grey's character appears as less-controlling and abusive due to some alterations. In the film, Ana and Christian calmly discuss her work conference in New York, in which she's supposed to go with Jack. After a discussion, Ana decides not to go. However, in the book, Christian does what an over-possessive man would do to prevent his woman going with another man: he freezes the company's accounts.

Ana and Christian reunite at Jose's gallery show in the "Fifty Shades Darker" film after he takes Ana to a dinner and begs her forgiveness. In the book, Christian's attempt to win Ana back began much earlier when he sent an email to Ana, offering to accompany her at Jose's gallery show. Ana said yes and they enjoyed a long car ride followed by a helicopter ride where they discussed their relationship further.

USA Today also points out this change. Characters like Jose or Katy only appear in short scenes to make room for Elena, Jack, and Leila. Also, in "Fifty Shades Darker" film, book characters like Dr. Flynn (Christian's therapist), Luke Sawyer (Ana's bodyguard), and Ethan Kavanagh (Kate's brother), don't appear at all.

In the book, Christian spanks Ana with a ruler over a game of pool on which they're eventually going at it. Also, remember that one time when Christian eats ice cream off of Anastasia when she's tied up to the bed. Fans might have to keep these scenes in their imagination since "Fifty Shades Darker" film decided to go on without them.

Aside from all those missing scenes, let's enjoy it while it lasts. "Fifty Shades Darker" stars Dakota Johnson, Jamie Dornan, Rita Ora, Bella Heathcote, and Kim Basinger.