‘Pokemon Go’ Valentine’s Day Event: Critics ‘Disappointed’ Over Pink Pokemon-Centric Event

By Staff Writer staff@mstarsnews.com | Feb 18, 2017 09:39 AM EST

The Valentine's Day event for "Pokemon Go" recently came to an end. However, not everyone was happy with the supposedly exciting event. Some critics have branded the event as "disappointing."

Forbes contributor and gaming enthusiast Paul Tassi has expressed his thoughts on the "Pokemon Go" Valentine's Day event. He noted that the event only lasted for about five minutes on his end.

While the idea of having Pink Pokemon spawning all around was exciting, the "Pokemon Go" Valentine's Day event wasn't as accepted as the Halloween special. Double candy was also expected to boost the event. However, the double candy the "Pokemon Go" Halloween special provided is no longer as interesting as it was in October.

Paul Tassi says it appears that Nintendo and The Pokemon Company were not fully prepared for the demands of fans. The "Pokemon Go" Valentine's Day event was something to look forward to. However, it did not provide what some fans were actually looking for.

Meanwhile, Games Industry reports that Apptopia has unveiled the stats for the "Pokemon Go" Valentine's Day event. Apptopia is a mobile analytics firm that provides stats for various mobile games including those under Nintendo.

According to the outlet, Apptopia has recorded around $5.75 million in revenue for the "Pokemon Go" Valentine's Day special. This is compared to the amount players spent on Halloween, which is at $13.35 million.

The firm's brand ambassador Adam Blacker pointed out that one of the reasons why the "Pokemon Go Valentine's Day event wasn't much of a hit was the weather. Apparently, the colder season has affected how players behave.

Finally, Adam Blacker noted that players may have set the "Pokemon Go" Valentine's Day special aside for their personal reasons. These include dates and probably time with family.

The "Pokemon Go" Valentine's Day event ran from Feb. 7-15. The augmented reality game is playable in IOS and Android devices. It was the most downloaded game on the App Store last year.