Google's AI Duet Let's User Play Piano Alongside Virtual Pianist, Works Well On Chord Players

By Charisse Mae Villanueva | Feb 25, 2017 07:21 AM EST

With the rise of the bots in every known human industry, it is obvious how far the technology has been improved. So it is really no surprise to see AI Bots that creates music with humans. Google's new bot, "AI Duet" lets the user play Piano accompanied by a virtual pianist.

The AI was called "AI Duet" and is created by programmer and musician Totam Mann. The AI project was built using Google Magenta, a project that creates art and music using Google's machine learning system. As reported by The Verge, Mann collaborated with Mann collaborated with his friends from Creative Lab to create this project.

AI Duet takes the input from the user and runs it through a machine that is trained to find the melody and rhythmic patterns. When it identified a pattern, it produces sound that is hopefully in sync with what the user is playing. This app emulates "thinking" by identifying pattern and creating its own music so it understands concepts like timing and staying in a key. In result, the sound it creates is very organic and is not like how most of the usual apps behave.

According to TechRadar, the virtual pianist could be played on PC using the keyboard and on mobile browsers using touch screen. If a better playing experience is desired, a midi keyboard could be used. The open-source project was released late last year and has been improved since.

The app is quite simple to use. It seems that the more musically inclined a user is, the better the output the app will give. It is also worth to note that AI Duet makes better sounds for users who only plays piano by chord. AI Duet is perfect for beginners who want to discover more music patterns. It is also a fun way to practice for professional musicians. The app can be found here