‘DragonBall Xenoverse 2’ Tenkaichi Tournament Rules Changes on Free Update

By Staff Writer | Mar 01, 2017 02:28 AM EST

The free update and DLC pack for Xbox One and PS4 "Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2" gamers are already out today, as Bandai Namco has announced last week. Included in the update, were the changes to the rules of the Tenkaichi Tournament and five new attacks.

February 27 was the first update which includes the following changes: 2 New Expert Missions: Broly and Janemba, Android 15's Clothes and Metal Cooler's Suit, Zangya & Bido Costumes. 5 New Attacks were Jumping Energy Wave, Menacing Flare, Focus Flash, Wild Hunt and Tail Slicer, as per Just Push Start.

The New Rules for the Tenkaichi Tournament also includes Character Tenkaichi: All players will have to fight with the same one character, such as "Goku Tenkaichi", "Yamcha Tenakichi" or "Pan Tenkaichi,"Tenkaichi Tournament Prize: Tournament Jersey and Group Tenkaichi: For example the "GT Cup" where players can only choose GT characters.

Today comes the second DLC pack update which includes 8 new attacks: God of Destruction's Menace, Conductor and Roar, Destruction's Concerto: Comet, Starfall, and Meteor, Requiem of Destruction and Sonic Bomb. New story content entitled "The history has been altered! The God of Destruction Champa approaches Conton City!,"and two new playable characters Champa and Vados, as well as New stage, called the Unnamed Planet.

More about the second update also includes, Three new costumes of Android13, Android14 and Fused 13's clothes. One new vehicle named Space Pod and Five new Super Souls: Champa, Vados, Vegeta, Super Buu, and Piccolo's Super Soul with new emotes: Beerus's glare, Zen-Ou Jump.

The Bit Bag also shared that new story will be expected in "Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2," knowing that the original villains were all killed. According to the video that Bandai Namco has shown, the game will be focusing in Universe 6 with the original character of the players.

The Saiyan Legends was seen in the video as one of Universe 7 representative. Players would also expect to face harder missions than the previous fights. Teaming up with Piccolo while facing against Cabba and Frost as the first two DLC fighters.

Though these updates are free, players can still get the first two paid "DLC packs through purchasing the US$29.99 season pass. Players who own PS4, Xbox One and Windows PC can also play Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2" on their consoles.