Luca Todesco And Saurik To Release Yalu10.2 Auto-signing Tool; Here's A Workaround For Now

By Charisse Mae Villanueva | Feb 28, 2017 04:41 AM EST

Luca Todesco announced earlier this month that he is going to quit from iOS Jailbreak tool development. But before quitting, he released the Yalu iOS 10.2 as a semi-untethered Jailbreak tool. The thing about semi-untethered Jailbreak tool is that the user needs to re-sign the certificate every week with Cydia Impactor. Here's the trick that enables user to bypass signing limitation.

According to Droid Report, it is important that the date of the first signing of Yalu 10.2. First thing is to make sure ensure that the phone is still on Jailbreak mode. To do this, go to Settings > General > Date & Time and toggle off the automatic option. This is to enable the manual setting of setting the time and date.

The next step is to change the date of the phone after the last signing has been done. Turn off the device for 3 minutes and then turn it back again. Yalu 10.2 should now be running on the device. The app would then make activate the Jailbreak mode. Change the system date back to the current date and that's it. The phone will be set to another Jailbreak mode for 1 whole week.

This is a rather inconvenient trick and needs consistency. But it bypasses the limit of re-signing the device for continuing usage of Yalu 10.2.But fans have to put up with this trick for now. Value Walk reported that there will be an Auto-Resign i0s 10.2 Jailbreak Tool and Luca Todesco is working for it. Lucky for Jailbreak fans, Luca Todesco seems to miss doing Jailbreaking.

Here comes good news for Jailbreaking fans, Saurik has released a public version of Cydia Impactor that can be used to Jailbreak 64bit devices. It is also said that there are new purchasable tweaks for iOS 10-10.2 jailbreak on Cydia Store. Saurik is also said to be working on another Auto-signing tool with an unnamed hacker.