Kate Middleton Motherhood Problems: Duchess Of Cambridge Seeks Help From Parenting Website?

By Pritha Paul | Mar 03, 2017 04:32 AM EST

There is no shame in getting some help on the side, even if it is from a website, proved Kate Middleton. Prince William recently revealed that the Duchess of Cambridge might be using the parenting website, Mumsnet, to get rid of her motherhood struggles.

Mumsnet is an online chat site for first-time mothers facing parenting problems and also experienced mothers, sharing stories about their success and failures as mothers. With postpartum depression on the rise among modern parents, websites like these help young mothers never lose sight of the goal, that is, to bring up their children in a healthy atmosphere, with good morals.

Kate Middleton may be the future Queen of England, but she is a mother of two first. And juggling her role as an inspirational public idol and a responsible parent is not always easy. In a royal engagement at the new Ronald McDonald Evelina House in London, both Prince William and Princess Kate opened up about their constant struggle to be ideal parents to their children, Prince George and Princess Charlotte.

While facilitating Justine Roberts, co-founder of Mumsnet, the Duke of Cambridge hinted that his wife "may well be" using her popular parenting site to seek some much-needed help of her own, Mirror reports. Roberts, in turn, confessed that "We speculated as to whether the Duchess of Cambridge was a Mumsnetter. I suggested that a lot of conversation (on the website) was about feckless husbands but said 'don't worry because it is all anonymous."

Prince Williams has never tried to hide the fact that there are times when he and his wife have faced difficulties as young parents. "Well, as the other parents in the room will testify, there's wonderful highs and there's wonderful lows," he was heard saying last year, Vanity Fair reports.  

Since the website, Mumsnet, is an anonymous site, as mentioned by Roberts, there is no way of knowing for sure whether Kate Middleton does occasionally log in to that website, it seems most likely. As to whether she engages in gossiping about her "feckless" husband is another matter altogether!