‘The Walking Dead’ Season 7 Speculations: Michonne Dies From A Zombie Bite

By Tanya Diente | Mar 03, 2017 04:20 AM EST

Speculations are rife that "The Walking Dead" Season 7 will kill Michonne. She coincidentally shares a resemblance with Andrea, the comic book counterpart of Michonne whose death was hinted in issue #165.

Michonne seemed to have filled in for Andrea from Robert Kirkman's "The Walking Dead" comic series. She is skilled with the rifle and is Rick's girlfriend. Her resemblance to Andrea led fans to speculate that she also shares the same fate as her comic book counterpart.

Unfortunately, Andrea's death seems imminent, as far as the latest issue of the comic series is concerned. In "The Walking Dead" issue # 165, Andrea returns from rescuing Eugene with a wound on her neck. The issue did not reveal where or how she got the cut.

However, according to Comicbook, the initial reaction is that a zombie probably scratched her. The result of that cut could hint at her imminent death. The Letter Hacks section in the comics, provide little assurance that Andrea is alive. "That final image says all it needs to, so let's just get to these letters and recall sunnier days," comic editor Sean Mackiewicz wrote.

Naturally, Andrea's storyline in the comics had fans worried about Michonne in "The Walking Dead" Season 7. Will she share the same fate as Andrea? Coincidentally, the latest episode of the AMC series saw Negan capture Eugene. Eventually, people would come to his rescue and Michonne would be among those who will lead the group.

Regardless, it is possible that the wound on her neck is not from a zombie bite or scratch. It could come from a stray bullet that nipped some flesh off, which could explain the blood on her neck. Likewise, Andrea's death in the comics does not guarantee that Michonne will also die in "The Walking Dead" Season 7. After all, according to Unreality TV, the show has a tendency to switch character deaths to mislead fans.

Moreover, there is a possibility that Andrea could still be alive in the next comic issue. That wound on her neck could just be a tease to convince fans to get the new issue. If she survives that wound then it might also mean that Michonne stays alive in "The Walking Dead" Season 7.