'The Last Of Us 2' Story: Joel May Not Be Dead, Ellie's Possible Pregnancy, More!

By Charisse Mae Villanueva | Mar 07, 2017 09:47 AM EST

The first thing that has been speculated after the release of "The Last of Us 2" trailer is the foreshadowing of Joel's death, which is a very typical fan theory, and is the most logical explanation on why Joel has been acting like a dishelmed ghost armed with a gun. It seems like fan excitement produces crazier theories, and one of these theories involves Ellie being pregnant.

According to Games Radar, it is possible that Joel is dead for quite some time and Ellie is just hallucinating. The way that Joel appeared in "The Last of Us 2" trailer seems to imply that Joel has been unlucky these past years. It seems like there is an unseen distance that separates both of them.

There are a lot of speculations on how Joel's possible death happened. The most famous theory being Joel's possibly unlucky encounter with zombies. It is also said that Joel killed himself with the revolver he was holding in the trailer. Still, there are players that believe Joel is still alive in "The Last of Us 2."

Some players point out that there is a weight on Joel's step. If Ellie is just hallucinating, then Joel must be a very strong hallucination to make such realistic impact on the floor. And there's this Buddy combat system that is said to be available for "The Last of Us 2" that will feature Joel, if not another character.

On the top "The Last of Us 2" rumor mill is Ellie's pregnancy. According to Video Games Republic, the guitar on the trailer covers a supposed to be Ellie's baby bump. Evidence that this theory could be true is the Easter egg coming from "Uncharted 4" in which a pregnant woman is seen wearing a gas mask. With posture and body type, it seems like this character is the older Ellie.

The trailer tells a lot of things about the next installment of this franchise.  But with trailer as vague as "The Last Of Us 2" trailer, it is not a big surprise that there is a lot of crazy fan theories already. But who knows, maybe those crazy things theories were true afterall.